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Official Nintendo Switch stylus arrives end of this year

Do you remember the slogan 'Touching is good' from early 2000?

Together with the new Brain Age, Nintendo will sell an independent Nintendo Switch stylus.

We have a glimpse of the accessory in the first trailer of the game, and now we have a few details to continue. As seen in a store listing on the Japanese site of Nintendo, the official Switch stylus arrives in Japan on December 27 (same day as Brain Age) and costs 864 yen in the My Nintendo Store.

I couldn't tell you the last time I used the touch screen of my Switch (reminder: we didn't get the Super Mario Maker 2 stylus here in the United States), but I sometimes think how cool it would be to generate generations of certain touch-centric Nintendo DS titles on the Switch. Remember Art Style: PiCTOBiTS?

Brain Age has never stayed with me in a meaningful way, but there are many idiosyncratic DS games that still deserve a chance in the spotlight. I can't live without another Elite Beat Agents for the rest of my life.

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