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Donald Trump started channel on Twitch - game streaming service but has been critical of video games.

Donald Trump spreads his wings on social media with the launch of a channel on Twitch. Trump is at least the third candidate for president to create a presence on the video game streaming service.

twitch trump account

Trump's account, with a checkmark for verification, has around 7,000 followers but has not posted any content at this time, but the move suggests that the president will use the platform to stream videos to his supporters as part of his 2020 prayer re-selection. Other candidates to launch Twitch accounts include Democrats Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang.

Although not a fan of social media, Trump is one of the most productive users in the industry, who uses his Twitter account to announce policy changes and criticize his opponents. His 65.5 million followers on Twitter have just placed him among the top 10 most followed Twitter accounts. He also has nearly 15 million followers on Instagram, although he posts much less often on that account than on Twitter.

His choice to expand his presence on social media with two Twitch, which 15 million users visit every day to see others playing video games, is a bit of a double irony for the president. Trump is known to accuse social media or foster liberal bias and suppress conservative voices, but he is also accused of video games for contributing to the "glorification of violence in our society."

And then there is Amazon, which paid around $ 970 million for Twitch in 2014. Trump has made the online shopping giant one of his favorite goals, and has repeatedly accused the company of benefiting from its US Postal Service delivery partnership.

The CEO, Jeff Bezos, has also been a frequent target of Trump's attacks, where the president is generally seen as the target of the company because Bezos owns the Washington Post, which has reported critically about the president.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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