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8 Top Ranked Apex Legends Characters: All You Need To Know

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Apex Legends combines elements of the battle generous genre and hero shooters such as Overwatch for something magical. 

Keep in mind that it was created by the same team as the Titanfall franchise (itself ex-Call of Duty developers), and you have one of the smoothest, fastest, and most satisfying Battle Royale games since Fortnite and PUBG. 

Where Apex Legends really stands out is the diverse cast of characters and their unique skills. 

Although everyone is still subject to the same weapons, grenades and health packages, these skills can quickly turn the tide of the battle. So don't go in without brushing up your legends. 

All Apex Legends characters are listed here.

The best Apex Legends character

8) Caustic

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: Nox Vision with which you can look through your poison gas.

Tactical skill: with Nox Gas Trap you can release barrels with area-negative poison gas.

Ultimate: Nox Gas Grenade lets you cover a large area with poison gas.

Although Apex Legends can prevent a lot of toxicity thanks to the voiceless pinging system, you have to assume that a literally toxic character is low on the list. 

Corrosive can be successful enough if you wait for an enemy team to come through a corridor, or try to fret them out of an enclosed space, but it is pretty ineffective from the beginning to the middle of the game. 

In the best-case scenario, you wait for an enemy to come to you, which goes against everything the game tries to teach you about being aggressive and determining the pace of a fight.

To be fair, it's gas traps can cover a fairly wide area. 

Two can cover a large room (like the one in the sewage treatment plant), but that still requires you to be in a fight or stick your neck out so enemies follow you. You want to pass on this gas.

7) Pathfinder

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: scan a beacon to find the next location of the ring.

Tactical: With the grappling hook you can get hard to reach places.

Ultimate: shoot at a grappling hook that anyone can use.

Although he is the most charming character of the bunch, Pathfinder finds ... uh, chasing after most of his friends. The ability to find rings certainly helps if you want to avoid problems in the early game. 

Lord knows that mid-range fighting on pistols alone never goes well. Pathfinder is another example of a character that works too well, unlike what Apex Legends is. 

It is an aggressive child or game, and each time spent avoiding is probably better spent trying to get an enemy into panic mode. 

His personal grappling hook is great for reaching high-level locations that some areas can certainly turn into shooting galleries, but unless you drag your entire team with you, it feels less valuable.

When you get the chance to use your ultimate, it can be a lot of fun to crackle with friends and chase out enemy players. 

But again, it is more of an evasive tactic than flanking, and it can be difficult to place the perfect angle on it while sitting in the middle of a firefight.

6) Bloodhound

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: with Tracker, you can view the footsteps or enemies in the area.

Tactical: Eye of the Allfather, which scans nearby for enemies, traps and directions.

Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt, which essentially strengthens your skills to lead you directly to an enemy with faster walking speed and a live high of the locations of your enemies.

Oh, I wish the Bloodhound scan extended a little further. Regarding Apex Legends characters, Bloodhound is great if you get stuck in a tight situation and need to fret your enemies. 

In this way, Bloodhound is a solid distillation of aggressiveness that encourages Apex Legends. That said, it's a bit of a bastard that all the capacities of Bloodhound are essentially better versions of the possibilities that preceded it. 

That your friends can't see the scans you make or enemies is just another drawback. For a team game that is just weird.

5) Bangalore

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: double time, with which you can run faster when you are shot.

Tactical: Smoke Launcher, with which you can fire a cloud of smoke and a fairly long distance.

Ultimate: Rolling Thunder, with which you can evoke an artillery strike that progresses slowly from where you call it.

The equivalent of Overwatch's Soldier 76, Apex Legends character Bangalore is a really solid choice for both beginners and experienced players. 

In a game with fast iron sights, the passive power actually throws enemies out of balance. Although her artillery attack is huge and really effective at denying an area's enemies, it is the more consistent smoke grenade that has saved countless games for me. 

If you throw it in a corridor, it changes to your advantage, because you can coordinate and push as a team without worrying (too much) about the incoming fire. 

If you throw it in a building, it usually covers most of the ground level, and it is really effective when enemies panic. 

Even in the open air, the surprisingly long-range and impact area make it difficult to fight unless the enemy has a rare (and often short-range) threatening optic.

4) Wraith

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: voices from the void that warn you that there is danger nearby.

Tactical: Into the Void, making you invisible and invincible and allowing you to run faster, allowing you to flank easily.

Ultimate: Dimensional Rift, with which you can place a teleporter at one end, become invisible and can cover a long distance, and place the other end somewhere else.

If you like flanking, Wraith is your favourite Apex Legends character, with no exception. I have not noticed that the voices help too much, but Wraith's invalid options are really cunning. 

The only drawback of Into the Void is that you are not really invisible from close by. 

I almost never miss the significant flow of empty energy that Wraith leaves behind, and it makes it fairly easy to hold when she finally comes out. 

The Dimensional Rift skill is one of the best in the game, allowing the entire team to reposition themselves. 

Sometimes you want to use it to support a hostile team, but it also works great to endure difficult choke points. 

All things considered, however, she is still primarily a soloist, which means that she is only occasionally helpful in scenarios aimed at teams. 

Keep in mind that enemies can also use that portal, so don't leave your back exposed.

3) Gibraltar

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: pistol shield, blocks a lot of incoming fire.

Tactical: Dome of Protection, a large bubble shield that lasts 15 seconds.

Ultimate: Defensive Bombardment, a smaller version of the artillery of Bangalore.

Gibraltar is a brother and a well-rounded hunter between defensive and offensive skills. 

His shield does not cover every inch of him, but it is useful in forward-facing battles where you have to do a big push, and it costs about the same level of damage as a helmet, but it does take a small amount of time to activate and needs be charged.

His shield bubble is great in a pinch and can act as an additional barrier for when Lifeline or someone else needs help bringing a fallen ally to life. 

It blocks damage both from the outside and from the inside, so the value is more a means of defence or at least something to disorient the enemy and think too quickly. 

It is also useful if you are at the end of the mortar fire because the lifespan of 15 seconds sustains the most damage.

The ultimate power of Gibs mortar fire is essentially a narrower version of Bangalore, concentrated over a narrower area. 

On the other hand, it is much faster and a good way to force enemies to move or cover. Just do not expect that you will really touch it too much.

2) Mirror

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: Encore that activates a hologram or yourself when you are knocked down and covers your actual body so that you can crawl away.

Tactical: Psyche Out, which controls one hologram to distract enemies.

Ultimate: Vanishing Act, which broadcasts an entire team or hologram in different directions while you are also camouflaged.

This man. This man. I have been in bamboo so many times through Mirage's hologram capacities to be convinced of its viability. 

Given that for most games you are in contact with people at medium to short distances, it can be difficult to tell if you are looking at a real person in the area or a fake. 

It's not great that his capabilities are basically just building on another, but Vanishing Act is about as effective as Wraith's tactics.

Given that the game is already quite tight with its ammunition counts and relies on quick responses, all you can do to keep people in the wrong direction, dump useless bullets and force them to reload time is better.

Apex Legends characters arranged as # 1 lifeline

Top Ranked Apex Legends characters

Passive: Combat Medic: healing items work 25 per cent faster, bring friends to life faster while being protected by a shield wall

Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone, which slowly provides health to friends in a small area.

Ultimate: Care package that drops three high-quality armour, health or shield items.

Whether it's the early game, the middle game or the last few seconds, Lifeline is an integral force in Apex Legends and a relatively clear winner among other characters.

The passive power of Lifeline, although not like that and compared to the Gibraltar bubble shield, still really helps those precious few seconds you need to revive a friend. 

The helpful D.O.C. drone is a crucial tool, whether you take a minute to view or view a chokepoint. The healing speed won't keep you alive if you take a full magazine in your face, but you'll certainly piss hostile players who don't understand why they don't come down fast enough.

Where Lifeline shines is the ultimate skill that brings a large drop pod directly to your door full of useful items. 

Even with a bad fall, you will probably get a 3rd (purple) helmet, a shield charge and a large medkit. With a good fall, you probably get some purple armour, maybe a Phoenix kit and other goodies. 

It is the best way to equip a respected teammate who loses all their belongings. 

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